Substack Isn't a Media Company + Newsletters on Crime & Fitness

This week there's an interesting interview with Substack's CEO where he says he doesn't see them as a media company. While company's like Facebook claim not to be but then curate content, Substack really hasn't attempted to do the same and acts more as a platform for your brand.
I've always felt the unique value of newsletters is that the writer controls it all and there's no platform deciding who sees what. Do you think Substack will stick with this path or change in the future?
And…the featured newsletters this week cover crime in society, travel, fitness, book reviews, and more!

Articles & Tools
Substack doesn't want to tell you what to read
Cracking reader revenue with Adam Stone, Examiner+
Stay relevant. The future isn't a mystery.
Featured Newsletters
Crime and Punishment
The Bitcoin Espresso
Productive Growth
Fog Chaser
Useful Stuff for Storytellers
Twofold Twilight
Brent and Michael are Going Places
See Ya
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