Sing us a song, you're the piano (wo)man

Plus successful email marketing, what is BIMI, and using dark mode email testing
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Really Good Emails
Happy World Piano Day
When you're unhappy with something, why not find a way to make it work better for you? (Enter: every marketer ever.) That's what Bartolomeo Cristofori did when he invented the first piano in the 1700s.

Bartolomeo wanted more control over the volume of harpischord strings, so he swapped the plucking mechanism with a padded hammer. (He nailed the idea.) He created the "clavicembalo col piano e forte," what we know today as the piano. 

So, why is this international day a thing? It's the 88th day of the year, commemorating the number of keys on a standard piano. Find some (Yam)a-ha moments with these emails where design is key.

       Take note       



Articles we thought you'd enjoy because you are such a smarty pants and thirsty for mo' knowledge:  
Successful email marketing: 5 Best-in-class insights
Mailjet is giving you five major clues about successful email marketing in this infographic on the habits of highly successful email marketers. [Sponsored]
Is your welcome email killing your newsletter growth?
If you're looking to grow your email audience quickly, you need to make sure your emails aren't going straight to the promotions tab (or worse — the spam folder).
What is BIMI (And why should email marketers care?)
BIMI is an emerging email specification that enables the use of brand-controlled logos within supporting email clients. BIMI was created to help prevent fraudulent emails, and in a world where phishing and email scams are on the rise, it's imperative we establish trust with our subscribers.
How to create automated email campaigns: A step-by-step guide
Email marketing is more effective than Twitter and Facebook advertising. 79% of organizations list email as one of their top three marketing channels. Here are 7 steps to building a winning email marketing campaign.
The ins and outs of using dark mode email testing
The number of users turning off the lights with dark themes has dramatically increased since 2019. We are expecting it to continue to climb. A significant number of your subscribers are also likely viewing emails in dark mode. Read on to see the ins and outs of dark mode email testing.
Email GIF of the moment  
       See it in the email       



Reaching a community is all the rage these days.
Do you want to advertise to over 180K people per month?

Partnering with RGE means that you get a much bigger reach than you would elsewhere. Reach out to to get in front of email's brightest near and far, including advertising space on, in our newsletter, and in conjunction with our multi-city event, UNSPAM. New ad spots available for cool companies like you!
We still care about what is going on in Ukraine.

There's still a war going on in Ukraine. So if you want to give some help, here are some options:

UN Humanitarian Support
Voices of Children
UN Refugee Agency
World Central Kitchen
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