Baby's got back

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How your retirement fund invests how you want to retire. First half of image features burning landscape; second half features a beautiful lake and trees
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When you move your $ to Carbon Collective, not only do you divest from fossil fuels -- you're also making a smart investing decision. With most investments, providers charge a buttload of fees, which eat away at your return. Carbon Collective creates diversified portfolios aligned with solving climate change and offers you low fees, which is uncommon in the investing world. It's a win-win! Learn more here.

Act: 3 easy LANDBACK actions to take today

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

November Topic: #LandBack

This week's module: ✅ 1. READ | ✅ 2. LISTEN | 🎯 3. ACT | 4. REFLECT

Ad: Start your Carbon Collective account for free today.

CHANGELETTTER "social impact for busy people" with an iceberg graphic on the left and a boat with a lifevest on the right
Welcome back to Changeletter by Soapbox Project. I'm the author, Nivi Achanta, and I make it easy for you to fight climate change in 3 minutes every week.


What's up this week

It's time for LANDBACK action! If you missed the last two modules (read & listen) and aren't familiar with the land restitution movement, make sure to catch up.

Colonization is alive and well around the world, and in the USA, we are rounding the corner on Thanksgiving, which... to many Natives, marks an annual recognition of Indigenous genocide instead of a holiday where we rejoice with family and stuff ourselves full.

I'm not saying to give up on Thanksgiving cold turkey (ha ha 🦃), but if we're going to celebrate any holidays on land that doesn't belong to us, we can do our part to at least recognize this and then be part of the solution. 🎉

And maybe this year, at the dinner table (whether Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Sankranti, or any of the zillion holidays coming up for cultures worldwide), you can start a conversation asking if your family knows about the history of the land you're currently on.

For now, it's time for some lights, camera, action.

There's only 3 things I'm asking you to do today , and they're all super easy (and #2 is FUN).

P.S. Don't forget to create your Carbon Collective account today - divest your retirement from fossil fuels. I'm a happy user myself.


From the Soapbox

  • 11/17 @ 2pm PST/5pm EST - Virtual community gathering. We meet every month in our online lounge to catch up and it's one of my favorite activities. 
Join our community to get all our weekly events for free, make new friends, find sustainable product recs, look for jobs, and more.


Your bite-sized actions

As I promised , only 3 easy homeworks for you this week, and the 2nd one has brought me a lot of joy already. 
  1. Find out whose land you're on (& pay "rent"). You can use Native-Land.Ca and/or Whose.Land to find out how to support land restitution efforts where you live, including paying "rent". These maps are global but not perfect. Knowing whose land you're on can help you contact local tribal leaders who will tell you how best to use your time/resources for change. If you don't see your area on the map, look at action #3 for a way to contribute regardless of where you live.

  2. Download the iNaturalist app. In our recent fireside chat with Native food writer Sara Calvosa Olson, she said a fundamental cultural shift we have to make is our relationship with nature. Our neighbors include the plants and animals that live outside, and often, we don't even know their names! If you saw a person every day if your life and didn't know who they were, wouldn't that be weird? Get the iNaturalist app, which can help you identify nature in your area. If you're not an app person, just spend some time with a new plant neighbor.

  3. Donate $25 to regenerative land efforts at the White Buffalo Land Trust. We've already raised $47,070 (!!) since 2020. We only need to raise ~1k more by the end of the year to get corporations to match us and hit the big 5-0. If you want a donation match, Venmo me "@nivi-" or Paypal us at

NEW: Commit to an action and record it here. One of the big pieces of feedback I've been getting is that you want more accountability, so here it is! Soapbox community members will get 5 points added to each action in the leaderboard. I'll follow up with you on this next week during our REFLECT module.


  • Next week , it's time to see if you've done your homework. Love, mom.
  • Don't forget to create your Carbon Collective account today so that your retirement isn't funding climate destruction by investing in fossil fuels xoxo
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